put about - définition. Qu'est-ce que put about
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est put about - définition

PUT; PUT (disambiguation); Put (disambiguation)

put option         
European put option; Put options; American Put Option; European put; Long put; Short put
¦ noun Stock Exchange an option to sell assets at an agreed price on or before a particular date.
Put option         
European put option; Put options; American Put Option; European put; Long put; Short put
In finance, a put or put option is a financial market derivative instrument that gives the holder (i.e.
Greenspan put         
  •  access-date=25 November 2020}}</ref>
Bernanke put; Fed put; The "Greenspan Put"; Greenspan boom; Alan Greenspan's monetary policies; Powell put; Yellen put; Powell bubble
The Greenspan put was a monetary policy response to financial crises that Alan Greenspan, former chair of the Federal Reserve, exercised beginning with the crash of 1987. Successful in addressing various crises, it became controversial as it led to periods of extreme speculation led by Wall Street investment banks overusing the put's repurchase agreements (or indirect quantitative easing) and creating successive asset price bubbles.



Put or PUT may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour put about
1. AUDIENCE: I've always put about 30%
Sharing the Work - How Partners Can Balance Family and Careers _ Myra Strober _ Talks at Google
2. And also dealing with the perceptions that are put about
3. -Yeah, we've put about 10,000 miles on it
Roadtrip Nation _ Mike Marriner & Nathan Gebhard _ Talks at Google
4. of the money is going to put about a trillion,
Jeff DeGraff, Staney DeGraff _ Talks at Google
5. So they had put about seven of our tunes
Love _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour put about
1. LaPierre said the Clinton administration put about 80,000 such veterans into the background check system.
2. "The is an idea put about that the debate on climate change is over.
3. In total, the government has put about $163 billion at Bank of America‘s disposal.
4. We‘ve put about two pence a litre on leaded and unleaded so far.
5. The party has put about $150,000 into Talent‘s race against Claire McCaskill.